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Слухи и новости о Киллиане (продолжение)

mitzi: Здесь размещаем подтвержденные и неподтвержденные новости о Киллиане.

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mitzi: Пух пишет: КОШМАР Ну чего им жалко? Да не говори. Опять вакуум...а если и появляется микро-новостишка, то еще и без фотки...

Пух: mitzi Слов нету! Остаеться ждать какой нить премьеры!!!

Пух: Tributes Paid to Film Correspondent Michael Dwyer 04 Jan 2010 | Michael Dwyer Tributes are pouring in from the Irish cinema and arts industry following the death of film critic and cinema promoter, Michael Dwyer, on Friday, January 1st. He was 58. Mr. Dwyer served as the film correspondent for the Irish Times for over 20 years. He was previously the film critic for several other publications including the Sunday Tribune, the Sunday Press and the In Dublin magazine. An established and admired cinematic advocate and commentator, Mr. Dwyer was also a driving force behind the promotion of Irish and international cinema. He became involved with the Film Society in his native town of Tralee, Co. Kerry in the early 1970s and went on then to establish and direct the Federation of Irish Film Societies where he organised the screenings of arthouse films across the country. Following on from this Mr. Dwyer co-founded the Dublin Film Festival in 1985, an event he was to manage and programme for years before stepping down in the mid 1990s. The festival ultimately ran into financial difficulties which lead to Mr. Dwyer becoming active in the founding of its replacement, the Dublin International Film Festival in 2002. He was also a member of the board for the Irish Museum of Modern Art until very recently. Today’s Irish Times features accolades from Mr. Dwyer’s peers and Irish cinema heavyweights such as Daniel Day Lewis, who says of the critic “He was a compassionate and empathetic writer. His criticism was not cruel or self-serving, but always honest, fair-minded, and guided by his essential love of the form itself.” Actors Cillian Murphy and Jonathan Rhys Meyers speak of Mr. Dwyer’s support in the early days of their respective careers and Brendan Gleeson calls Mr. Dwyer “one of Irish film’s great friends – insightful lucid, always positive.” Gabriel Byrne paints a powerful image with the words “Perceptive and objective, magnanimous and uncynical.” Irish directors Neil Jordan and Jim Sheridan also make contributions with the former simply stating that Dwyer was “the most delightful man imaginable. He was almost too kind at times.” And Sheridan highlighting Mr. Dwyer’s talent in his field by heralding him as the first to recognise ‘My Left Foot’ and finishing by saying “he didn’t have two sides to him.” The Irish Times’ Hugh Linehan, in the same article, describes his former colleague as “a lover of life and of movies.” and continues to describe him as “the most influential Irish film critic of his generation”. Mr. Linehan also makes reference to the Chevalier des Arts et Lettres accolade that was bestowed on Mr. Dwyer in 2006 by the French government in recognition of Mr. Dwyer’s dedication to Irish and International film. Aine Moriarty, CEO of the Irish Film & Television Academy, said, "Michael Dwyer was a true great friend of the film community in Ireland. His genuine love of the art form meant that his reviews and critiques were always honest and balanced, mixed with his innate ability to remain kind in his delivery. As a result Michael was highly respected by his readers and craftspeople/filmmakers alike and became Ireland’s most influential Irish film critic. He will be greatly missed by the film community and everyone who had the pleasure of knowing this wonderful man”. Also paying tribute to Mr. Dwyer’s life and works was Martin Cullen TD, Minister for Arts, Sport and Tourism who stated: “I am saddened to hear of the passing of Michael Dwyer. The film sector and the media have lost a passionate, dedicated enthusiast who for more than three decades has been the most singular, significant influence on cinema in Ireland.” The minister continued, saying “Michael Dwyer was passionate about film as an art form and his commentary whether on the printed page or on radio or television had a wonderful combination of knowledge and instinct. His authoritative journalism was essential reading for anyone interested in Irish and world film. He was committed to his craft, to the promotion of film and filmmaking in this country and was also known for the great impression that he gave of Ireland abroad, while interviewing many screen stars.” And concluded by stating “The film community in Ireland and abroad will miss this distinguished, knowledgeable and popular journalist. I extend my sincere sympathy to his partner Brian, mother Mary, sisters Anne and Maria at this sad time. May he rest in peace.” Mr. Dwyer died as a result of an illness which was diagnosed after the Cannes Film Festival last summer. Following a period of respite he returned to the Irish Times and described a glad return trip to world of cinema, writing “as the audience filed in all around us, I felt a deep sense of belonging and a surge of pleasure to be in a cinema after all those months, to be back where I belonged.” The film critic’s funeral will take place tomorrow, Tuesday, January 5th at 11am in the Church of the Holy Name, Beechwood Avenue, Ranelagh, and will then move to the Mount Jerome Crematorium. http://www.iftn.ie/?act1=record&only=1&aid=73&rid=4282794&tpl=archnewshome&force=1

Пух: CILLIAN MURPHY MICHAEL DWYER was a genuine film enthusiast. Cinephile, movie buff, film fanatic: whatever description you choose, the man had a passion for cinema. He was wonderfully warm company and had that lovely knack of turning every interview into a genuine chat, one that was so stimulating and pleasant that you didnt want it to end. I remember with great affection the encouragement he showed to me early in my career. The film industry in this country will miss his energy and his passion. http://www.irishtimes.com/newspaper/features/2010/0104/1224261598524.html

Пух: Какая то девочка написала на твиттере что едет в метро напротив Килли Везет же omg sitting across from cillian murphy on the tube. i'm trying not to stare at him. http://lesfab.posterous.com/cillian-murphy

mitzi: Бозе моооййй!!! Солнце спустилось под землю!!! Девушка просто счастливица! Правда, пялиться на него действительно неприлично, и наверно она испытывает аццкие муки, что он рядом, а смотреть нельзя. Во всяком случае, меня б точно корежило от этого

Пух: mitzi пишет: что он рядом, а смотреть нельзя. А я бы не смогла не пялиться

agnia: А чего это Килли в метро спустился? Чтоб быть ближе к народу, что ли?

Пух: agnia да он у нас такой простой ирландский парень

Пух: Из интервью Джеймса МакЭвоя You’ve had to play Russian, American, Irish, and British accents. As a Scotsman, is there one accent that’s harder to pick up? I don’t think so. They’re all the same level of difficulty. There was one that was quite hard. I did a film called Inside I’m Dancing — or Rory O’Shea Was Here it was called in the U.S. The character was written to come from Cork. Cork has an incredibly strange and beautiful, but fucking mental accent, and I did that for four weeks. Then the producers just went, “What is that sound he’s making with his mouth?” It’s a strange, beautiful accent. Have you ever heard Cillian Murphy speak in his own accent? It is amazing. And so they just went, “Nah, let’s just make him from Dublin instead.” That was probably the hardest accent, because I’d never heard it before. Read more: James McAvoy Will Sneeze You Under the Table -- Vulture http://nymag.com/daily/entertainment/2010/01/james_mcavoy_will_sneeze_you_u.html#ixzz0cWk1nrI3

mitzi: Не шибко ясно, в чем там дело и при чем тут Килли. Что-то про убийство члена Хамаса, у которого был британский паспорт, и комментарии вроде дает мистер наш Мерфи. http://www.thespoof.com/news/spoof.cfm?headline=s3i69625

agnia: mitzi а может это не наш Киллиан? Что-то я тоже не поняла каким он боком сюда затесался??? И что это за прозвище -- Silly? Разве есть у него такое прозвище?

Пух: mitzi а ну на спуффе там пишут вечно одни приколы

mitzi: agnia , Пух , ну наверно и вправду туфта какая-то.

Пух: mitzi стопроцентная выдумка

mitzi: Щедрость Перрье будет демонстрироваться на кинофестивале в Брэдфорде, и ожидается, что Килли прибудет на это мероприятие. Фест начнется 18 марта и будет идти 10 дней. Ура! Значит, скоро новые фоты Киллькины будут! http://www.examiner.co.uk/news/local-west-yorkshire-news/2010/03/01/jodie-whittaker-s-film-perrier-s-bounty-to-premiere-in-yorkshire-86081-25933410/

Пух: УРА-УРА-УРА! Значит Киля в Англии счас?

Пух: Тут написано про ещё какой то 12th annual Craic Irish film and music festival который будет проходить в Нью-Йорке и откроется 11 марта как раз Щедростью Перрье! Может Килли и там засветиться? http://www.nydailynews.com/ny_local/brooklyn/2010/03/02/2010-03-02_fans_can_take_craic_at_irish_film_music.html

mitzi: Пух пишет: Может Килли и там засветиться? Бум надеяться! А вот и еще один кинофестиваль. Килли летает прям с одного на другой. Киллиан будет открывать Dingle Film Festival, который пройдет с 18 по 21 марта в городе Dingle, в Ирландии. Киллиан будет представлять на гала-показе свой новый фильм "Щедрость Перрье" http://cillianmurphy.ru


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